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  1. so enjoying your notes and reflections Emily but sadly missing pics perimeters are not valid the message tells me ! every blessing you both Jane x

  2. Dear Emily,
    Reading this your post yesterday helped me – settled me down. Gentleness isn’t necessarily a strong point for me, but it’s a fruit of the Spirit and it’s a goal…
    When someone is doing something wrong and it is my responsibility to speak up, I feel angry. Maybe a godly anger – the push to engage. But – the speaking, the communicating God’s words – needs a big, heaping spoonful of gentleness or it’s not going to be helpful.
    Thank you for your insights.
    God bless you and Dean.
    Love & prayers,
    Mrs. Dana

    1. Thanks for sharing, Mrs. Dana!
      Yes, it can be difficult to show gentleness when we have good reason to be angry about misdeeds. Often we do need the Spirit to help us, to show us how to communicate with grace and gentleness.

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