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  1. I agree 100% with your conclusion, Emily! I’ve often wished we westerners could realize how many luxuries we consider necessities, and then give up those luxuries — at least some of them, anyway — to invest that money in more urgent causes.

    Just thinking about your questions earlier in the post, I think people have the extreme reaction they do because they’re told over and over again that they, one of the richest and most powerful countries in the world, have one of the best health care systems in the world. And they’re told by government officials and the CDC that the likelihood of Ebola coming to the U.S. is extremely low. So when Ebola finally did enter the country, it was a shocking blow to the confidence people had put in their leaders and the systems they put in place. So I believe a bit part of the public’s reaction has been about questioning the strength of public health policies and practices, realizing that their confidence in the system was misplaced. And I think it’s reasonable for that to be a frightening eye-opener, which people need to process and deal with.

    1. You’ve got some good points in terms of the shock value of the unexpected (although I don’t tend to hear too many people showing a lot of confidence in the government or the health care system). Perhaps that illustrates a rather detached mindset: inside the Western bubble we are “safe” from the problems out there.

      I wonder if it could serve as a wake-up call: how we support and interact with other nations will have ramifications here.

  2. I have the same heart and view you share here… it is a question I ask over and over. In fact I am often bewildered by the ignorance and seeming indifference to the immense suffering beyond our borders compared with our own problems. Wish I had ability to read more often and catch all your posts!

  3. I appreciated your perspective on this and thank you for being so open and honest. My recent trip to Cameroon (for the fifth time) has also opened my eyes to how ego-centric the US is compared to the relational, compassionate ways of developing countries. May we learn about comminity and care from our African brothers and sisters!!

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