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Why Christians Shouldn’t Be the Refugees

I recently returned from visiting multiple countries in the Middle East, where I heard stories from individuals, visited refugee/IDP camps, and met with leaders of various ministries, NGOs, and camps in Northern Iraq. Churches and organizations in Lebanon and Jordan also find themselves overwhelmed with the needs of refugees from Syria and Iraq, but have…

Reactions to Trump’s Victory: Learning from African Elections
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Reactions to Trump’s Victory: Learning from African Elections

In 2013, I was living in Kenya while their presidential elections were looming. Everyone was remembering the previous election in 2007, when violence erupted and over 1000 people died in the aftermath, as tribal differences were triggered. As expats, we had our contingency plans set up, but were mostly expecting to hunker down inside our…

Orlando: A Time for Love or Hate?
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Orlando: A Time for Love or Hate?

After Sunday’s tragedy of the shooting in Orlando (and the one that almost occurred in California) I’ve watched a wide range of reactions unfold. Of course those directly affected showed their overwhelming grief. Many showed sympathy and empathy through memorials, act of kindness, promises of prayer, donation of blood. Others expressed anger at multiple parties….

Would God Tempt Us? (The Perfect Prayer, Part 4)
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Would God Tempt Us? (The Perfect Prayer, Part 4)

When offering the prototypical prayer that represented our relationship with God, Jesus included an interesting clause: “And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil” (Matthew 6:13a). Temptation is what draws people toward sin, toward selfishness. So why would the Lord’s prayer link the Father with temptation? We need to first think…